Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Eaton's Centre

First we went to the Chinatown. We were shopping in each stores. Well, It's better to say that the girls were the one that were shopping. They were so crazy of buying stuff that make us the boys to wait for a long time. We are not very interested at all, so we didn't buy anything in Chinatown. By the way, we saw an old Chinese man that is a homeless man, so we did gave him our lunch from the Cafeteria. Our first impression when we saw the old man was sadness.
Although, I haven't see a Chinese that is a homeless people.

Then we went to the festivals. In there we have a lot of malls, so we got like 2 hours to buy things. The only thing that was on our minds were electronic stuff. When I say our, I mean the boys. We went to the mall and we can see that the prices were too higher comparing with our country. So we went walking through all the mall and see nothing of electronic stuff, we got to ask for someone of the mall of somewhere whose sell electronic.

Later on we found EB Games down stair; we were asking for quotation, because we four gonna buy 4 PSP and both places told us the same excuse, that they can not low the prices if not they will be fired the next day. So we don't have any choice rather to buy them, since here the only things that got a cheaper prices is the electronic stuffs; we spent a lot of money there.
Also we find out a problem, we were going to pay with our debit card, but they ask us for identification. Since we still are not adults yet, so we show them our international student card and they didn't accept it. We have to pay with Canadian bills and we spent it all what we have changed with United State dollars.
That was all what we did this day.

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